Few things feel better than a massage, and few forms of massage feel as good as a foot massage! Some ancient practices and a growing body of medical research even suggest that massaging specific pressure points on your feet can heal conditions affecting entirely different parts of your body.
The belief that putting pressure on certain areas of your feet can heal ailments elsewhere is called reflexology. It stems from traditional Chinese medicine. The idea is that energy, called ‘chi,’ flows through the body along particular pathways, or meridians and when there’s a problem in the body, it usually stems from blockages of chi.
The science behind reflexology remains unclear, but a great deal of research shows that it’s effective at soothing and managing pain. In 2014, British physiotherapists found that reflexology was effective at reducing pain and inducing relaxation in people with chronic pain. They also showed that foot massage can help reduce pain after breast surgery.
Further studies have shown that reflexology can reduce anxiety in people about to undergo medical testing or hospitalization.
Here are instructions for a foot massage that can lower anxiety.
Looking at the bottom of your foot, curl your toes. You should see a small depression just below the ball of your foot.
Place the pad of your thumb on this depression.
Hold on to the top of your foot with your other hand.
Massage the area in small circles.
Alternate this with holding the area firmly and pressing down.
A recent study showed that people with low back pain saw better results with reflexology than with massage of the lower back itself. If you want to treat your back to some reflexology, focus the massage on the arches of your feet and follow these steps:
Concentrate on the pressure points in your arches. Use a few drops of oil or lotion for lubrication.
Moving from the heel to the toes, alternate moving your thumbs in a series of short strokes. (Think of using your thumbs to press in and “cat walk” along the arch, like a cat making its bed.)
Myofascial release therapy targets the thin tissue that covers your muscles, bones, and organs. The pain in these tissues originates at trigger points that are hard to localize, according to the Mayo Clinic.
“Self-treatment is something I encourage all my clients to do,” says Rachel Gottesman, OTR/L, owner of Body Ease Therapy. “I use myofascial release therapy and it works by gentle, sustained pressure on areas of restrictions.” Gottesman suggests thinking of the myofascial tissues as a three-dimensional, interconnected web. Tightness in one place, like your feet, can pull the web out of place in other spots.
To perform myofascial release, follow these steps:
Sit in a comfortable chair or on a sofa.
Place a golf or tennis ball on the floor, just under your foot.
Roll the ball around with your foot until you find a sensitive spot, or pressure point.
Press down with your foot just enough to feel the point soften.
Hold for 3 to 5 minutes.
Don’t continue to roll the ball — that doesn’t allow the pressure to go deep enough.
There’s mounting evidence to suggest that massaging your feet’s pressure points could be good for your health. And scientific opinion aside, it certainly feels good! Enjoy exploring your pressure points and learn which angles and how much pressure suit you.
A special note for people with diabetes: Check with a doctor before massaging, since diabetic nerve damage could be affected by pressure.
One thing is certain, our feet take a beating, and deep massage can make them feel so good that you forget about other aches and pains.
